Magnusson Boosts Its Practice in Denmark with Triple Partner Hire

The Baltic Sea Region Law Firm Magnusson further enhances its practice in Denmark by hiring three partners for the Copenhagen office.

Magnusson has hired M&A partners Nikolaj Juhl Hansen, Jens Christian Dreyer and Jesper Kronborg who join from Eversheds, Accura and Rønne & Lundgren respectively.

Nikolaj Juhl Hansen focuses on M&A, corporate, financial transactions, commercial contracts and project management of legal work abroad, including Asia, Middle East and a wide range of European countries. He has previously worked for Kromann Reumert, Travers Smith and most recently Eversheds, where he was the managing partner of the Copenhagen office. Nikolaj also heads up Magnusson’s China Desk in Denmark. He has advised on a number of Chinese investments into Denmark, including advice on Hong Kong listed AAC Acoustic Technology’s acquisition of Kaleido.

Jens Christian Dreyer’s practice areas include M&A, corporate and commercial law, as well as real estate and commercial litigation. In addition to being admitted to the Danish Bar, he holds a degree as a state authorized real estate agent (statsautoriseret ejendomsmægler). Prior to joining Magnusson, Jens Christian, among others, headed up the legal department of the Kwintet Group, the leading European professional wear company.

Jesper Kronborg specializes in corporate and commercial law and M&A. His previous employments include Kromann Reumert, Abel & Skovgård Larsen and most recently Rønne & Lundgren. Jesper provides legal assistance to companies ranging from small entrepreneurs to multinational, listed companies, and has been a part of numerous national and international transactions.

Managing partner of Magnusson in Denmark Lars Jørgensen commented: “The arrival of Nikolaj, Jesper and Jens Christian further reinforces our practice in both Denmark and the Baltic Sea Region more in general. All three partners boast impressive practices with a strong international focus and are highly experienced in cross- border work. I am sure they will make a significant contribution to a further expansion of our practice.”

The arrival of a trio of new partners in Denmark bears testament to Magnusson’s ongoing dynamic growth. After the launch of the Helsinki and Malmö offices in March 2011 and January 2012 respectively, Magnusson expanded into the Baltic States in April 2012 (Tallinn) and October 2012 (Riga), and launched an associated office in Oslo in August 2012. Most recently, Magnusson announced the launch of its office in Berlin, effective as of March 2013.